1. How did you ended up here? Which was your way?
happy birthday song from Daniel Baranov on Vimeo.
I start play music at the age 40.
Before that i only hear the music. A lot of music. I start from rock in the school. Rock, prog rock, avant prog, contemporary music, noise, free jazz, free improve. All the time I was interesting how music is born, what is act of creation, composition. I started to read about music and sound.
But can't imagine, that i also can do some music.
Once I came to my new friend, and he shows me his eurowrack modules. He asked me if I like to try. I try to fill that I can to make some music.
After it I bought a Thingamagoop, that make sinewave like sound with some effects and is invoked with two adjustable led lamps.
After it I start to experiment with contact microphones and to participate in “Not instruments” festival and play with another improvisers and build some noise instruments. After some time I meet sound poetry and free-improvising vocal and start to use voice.
After it came will to learn play some conventional instrument. So I bay a trumpet. Play trumpet is difficult and I start to play mouthpiece with change.
Now I have also trombone, shakuhachi and xiao flute. I study 2 years butoh dancing and now I try to do mix of all.
To dance the sound and make sounds with dance movements.
2. What is not art?
I think art is something that contains something from fundamental categories like beauty or truth or at least a search of this categories.
3. Which instruments have you been using in your performances?
Thingamagoop , oxoma, (electronic bayed), electronic DIY instruments, glass table, vacuum cleaner, big plastic bag, pan, saucepan, trombone, shakuhachi, voice, e.t.c.
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